Well we have kept pretty busy since my last post. But most of the people who keep up with us on her know what we have been doing. Below are a few highlights.
November - I turned 33 yrs old and the Stine clan came to visit for Thanksgiving.
December - We went down to Tallahassee and spent time with all of our family.
January - Jessica, Mesa and Emily came to visit
February - The Woods came to visit. We went to the Tennessee Aquarium
This post is about our Valentines. This is the first year Gabby is starting to get holidays. On Valentines Day she woke up and wanted to put the shirt I made her on first thing, before she even went down stairs. Then she ate some of her breakfast and decided that she should stand at the door with the bag of Valentines for her classmates. She just couldn't wait to have her Valentine's Party.
When I picked her up her and I decided to have a Valentine's Party for our Daddy/Brent. We had a heart shaped pizza, love notes, balloons, streamers, candles and a banner that we made. We even blind folded him as he came in the door. It made his day, but made Gabby's day even more.
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